
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Vasectomy: Asked and Answered
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Over the last few months, Google searches about vasectomy – the procedure for male sterilization – have skyrocketed. Dr. David Paolone joined the Women's Healthcast to tell us more about how vasectomy works. He discussed what preparation and recovery for vasectomy look like, cleared up some common vasectomy myths, and talked about how he counsels patients to make sure the procedure is the right choice for them.
Dr. Paolone is a board-certified urologist in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health’s Department of Urology.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Privacy, Security, and Cycle Tracking Apps
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Lots of questions about menstrual tracking or cycle tracking apps popped up after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to an abortion in June 2022. Questions like: are these apps secure? Could data tracked in these apps be used to criminalize people who seek abortion care? Should people be concerned about using cycle tracking apps?
Dr. Jenna Nobles joined the Women’s Healthcast to talk about why people may be interested in using cycle tracking apps, how they work, common concerns around data security and safety, and how to evaluate whether using a cycle tracking app is the right choice for you.
Dr. Nobles is a professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Choosing Lubricants and Vaginal Moisturizers
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Vaginal moisturizers, lubricants, and vaginal estrogen can be helpful tools for improving sexual wellbeing, but how many of us know how to choose the right ones? Dr. Jon Pennycuff joined the Women’s Healthcast to discuss why people use vaginal moisturizers and lubricants, the variety of available products, and what we should consider when choosing a moisturizer or lubricant. He also talked about vaginal estrogen as an option to address some issues like itching, dryness, and recurrent urinary tract infections.
Dr. Pennycuff is an assistant professor in the UW-Madison Department of Ob-Gyn’s Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.
A Woman’s Touch Sexuality Resource Center: https://sexualityresources.com
Vulvovaginal Atrophy resources (UW-Madison Department of Family Medicine and Community Health): https://www.fammed.wisc.edu/vulvovaginal-atrophy/
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
The State of Abortion Rights in 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
We’re releasing this episode on June 1, 2022, and sometime in the next few weeks, the United States Supreme Court will issue a decision in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Their decision in this case could have huge effects on abortion legality and abortion access across the country.
Dr. Jenny Higgins joined the Women's Healthcast to talk about today’s landscape of abortion access in Wisconsin, what the Supreme Court decision could mean for access in our state and beyond, and what the research tells us about how limitations to abortion can affect people’s health and wellbeing.
Dr. Higgins is the director of the UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity and the UW Department of Ob-Gyn's Division of Reproductive and Population Health.
Resources mentioned by Dr. Higgins:
Abortion Finder: https://www.abortionfinder.org
Aid Access: https://aidaccess.org/en/
Center for Reproductive Rights: https://reproductiverights.org
Guttmacher Institute: https://www.guttmacher.org
If/When/How Legal Helpline: https://www.reprolegalhelpline.org
M+A Hotline: https://www.mahotline.org
National Network of Abortion Funds: https://abortionfunds.org
Plan C: https://www.plancpills.org
Planned Parenthood: https://www.plannedparenthood.org
Safe and Supported in the U.S.: https://abortionpillinfo.org
UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity: https://core.wisc.edu
Follow the UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity on social media!
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Finding Out About Fibroids
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Uterine fibroids are incredibly common – between 20 and 70 percent of people with uteruses will develop fibroids during their lifetimes. And while they’re often benign, they can still cause some troublesome symptoms.
Dr. Bala Bhagavath joined the Women’s Healthcast to talk about common symptoms of uterine fibroids, the broad variety of treatment options, and whether all fibroids need to be treated.
Dr. Bhagavath is the director of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Effective Advocacy in Healthcare Settings
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Preparing for a doctor’s visit can feel intimidating. How do we make sure all our questions are answered and our concerns are taken seriously? How many of us know how to be effective self-advocates in medical settings?
On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Cheryl Casey’Grant shares tips and resources to make sure we’re getting the best care. Cheryl is an outreach specialist in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Seems Sus: Health Claims and Social Media
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
As health misinformation grows and spreads online, more and more doctors are spending time on social media breaking down health myths. On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, we’re joined by physician, author, and social media star Dr. Jennifer Lincoln.
When she’s not working as an ob-gyn in Oregon, Dr. Lincoln busts reproductive health myths for her millions of followers. Dr. Lincoln talks about what brought her to the social media space, why she thinks sexual and reproductive health misinformation flourishes online, and how we can critically evaluate health information we see on social media.
You can find Dr. Lincoln on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjenniferlincoln/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drjenniferlincoln?lang=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXLo8y5FKb-7_bJWeRMy5-Q
Learn more about Dr. Lincoln’s book, “Let’s Talk About Down There”, and more on her website: https://www.drjenniferlincoln.com
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Healthy Pregnancy at Any Weight
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
On this episode, Dr. Katie Antony joins us to talk about some of the concerns or considerations for pregnant people with overweight or obesity, and how to have a healthy, safe pregnancy at any weight.
Dr. Antony is a maternal-fetal medicine physician in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Ob-Gyn, and recently earned her board certification in obesity medicine.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Know Your STIs: Syphilis
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, rates of the sexually transmitted infection syphilis have been climbing across the country. In Wisconsin in particular, the state’s Department of Health Services recently recommended pregnant people be screened twice during pregnancy for syphilis, which can have significant affects on fetal health and development.
On this episode Dr. Ryan Luellwitz joins us to talk about signs and symptoms of syphilis, the importance of frequent testing for STIs, and how to lower your risk for encountering syphilis. Dr. Luellwitz is an obstetrician-gynecologist in the UW-Madison Department of Ob-Gyn.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Sexual Health and Cancer Survivorship
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
As our ability to detect and treat cancer has improved, more people are living longer after their cancer diagnosis. For survivors of breast and gynecologic cancer, that can mean more time living with the side effects treatment can have on sexual and pelvic health.
On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Dr. Jon Pennycuff talks about what these side effects can include, the variety of options to address sexual health concerns for cancer survivors, and what he wishes more people knew about the connection between cancer treatment and pelvic health. Dr. Pennycuff is a fellowship-trained physician in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.
Dr. Pennycuff recommends these resources for people with questions about sexual and pelvic health side effects after cancer treatment:
UW Health Women's Integrative Sexual Health Program (Madison, WI)
American Society of Clinical Oncologists Breast Cancer Survivorship
International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7