
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Back to Basics: Pregnancy Prevention
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
There’s a lot to consider when choosing the right birth control -- what will work with your lifestyle? What are your goals? Are there other health issues you should consider before starting a method? Where can you go to find the right birth control for you?
On this Back to Basics episode of the Women’s Healthcast, guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody answer all our common birth control questions: what kinds of birth control are available, how they work, and how someone can figure out what might be a good method for them.
Resources for more information:
Birth Control - Center for Young Women's Health
Birth Control - Planned Parenthood
Birth Control - Young Men's Health
Title X Clinics Locator - US Dept of Health and Human Services
Women's Healthcast: Emergency Contraception
Women's Healthcast: The State of Abortion Rights in 2022
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Back to Basics: STIs and Safer Sex
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Sexually transmitted infections (or STIs) are incredibly common – over half of people in the U.S. will have an STI at some point in their life. Despite being so common, we still approach STIs with a lot of stigma and shame, and maybe even avoid talking about them at all!
On this Back to Basics episode of the Women’s Healthcast, guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody talk about safe sex, preventing or avoiding STIs, and how to find testing and treatment if you think you may have an STI.
Planned Parenthood - What are STIs?
Bedsider - Sexually Transmitted Infections
Center for Young Women's Health - STIs
Young Men's Health - Sexually Transmitted Infections
U.S. CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Back to Basics: Consent and Bodily Autonomy
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Understanding bodily autonomy and consent can be crucial tools for navigating healthy relationships of all kinds, including romantic relationships. But helping young people build a strong sense of self and understand boundaries and autonomy should start when kids are as young as possible, well before romantic relationships are on the horizon.
On this Back to Basics episode of the Women’s Healthcast, guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody define bodily autonomy, share some low-stakes examples of how young kids can understand and exercise their autonomy, and clear up some common questions about consent.
Tea Consent (Blue Seat Studios - YouTube)
How Do You Know if Someone Wants to Have Sex with You? (Planned Parenthood - YouTube)
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Back to Basics: Sex, Gender, Sexuality
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Our understanding of gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, and sexual orientation has expanded so much over time. On this Back to Basics episode of the Women’s Healthcast, guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody make sure we have a solid foundation to understand the nuances of biological sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and more.
They also offer resources for young people, parents, and other supportive adults to learn more about gender identity and expression, and answer questions shared by young people in Wisconsin.
Resources shared in the episode:
Gender Identity Workbook for Kids
Gender Quest Workbook: A guide for teens and young adults
Transstudent.org (Gender Unicorn)
World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Friday Feb 10, 2023
Back to Basics Bonus: Period Products
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Just about half the world’s population has had or will have a period at some point. But despite how common menstruation is, there can still be some confusion or even stigma around period products like pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and more. And that’s not even getting into the huge industry around so-called feminine hygiene products that can often do more harm than good.
On this bonus episode of the Women’s Healthcast Back to Basics series, Dr. Paula Cody and Dr. Ryan Luellwitz walk us through the period aisle, help us understand the differences between the products available, and offer some considerations that can help us figure out which products are the right choice for us. And while we’re in this aisle, we talk about the multi-billion-dollar feminine hygiene industry and why we can pass on all those products.
For a deeper dive into feminine hygiene products and how to care for vulvas and vaginas, listen to the Women's Healthcast interview with Dr. Laura Jacques: Vulvar Health, Care, and Cleaning.
The American College of Ob-Gyns has a guide for choosing and using period products.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Back to Basics: Menstrual Cycle and Periods
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Welcome to Back to Basics, a new series from the Women’s Healthcast answering some of the most common questions about sexual and reproductive health.
Guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody will bring us back to the basics of anatomy, gender, sexuality, the menstrual cycle, safe sex, sexually transmitted infections, birth control, bodily autonomy, and so much more.
In our second episode, Dr. Luellwitz and Dr. Cody answer some of our most common questions about periods and the menstrual cycle: what’s the average age when people might get their first period, why do we experience cramps, or acne, or emotional changes around our periods, and when to talk to a doctor if pain or heavy bleeding is disrupting your daily life.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Back to Basics: Anatomy and Puberty
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Welcome to Back to Basics, a new series from the Women’s Healthcast! Over the next several episodes, we will answer some of the most common questions about sexual and reproductive health and provide resources for parents and supportive adults who may want to start having these conversations with the kids in their lives.
Guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody will bring us back to the basics of anatomy, gender, sexuality, the menstrual cycle, safe sex, sexually transmitted infections, birth control, bodily autonomy, and so much more.
In this first episode, we tackle the basics of anatomy and puberty: Why is it so important to learn and use correct anatomical terms when we are learning about bodies, development and sexual/reproductive health? When should children learn anatomically correct terms for body parts, and what are those parts? What is puberty, and when does it typically happen? There’s a lot to cover in this conversation.
Resources shared by Dr. Cody and Dr. Luellwitz:
It’s Not the Stork – Robie Harris
What Makes a Baby – Cory Silverberg
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Back to Basics in 2023
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Starting in January 2023, the Women’s Healthcast will air a Back To Basics series with the aim of answering some of the most common questions about sexual and reproductive health and providing resources for parents and supportive adults who may want to start having these conversations with the kids in their lives. Guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody will bring us back to the basics of anatomy, gender, sexuality, the menstrual cycle, safe sex, sexually transmitted infections, birth control, bodily autonomy, and so much more.
Dr. Luellwitz is an obstetrician-gynecologist in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Ob-Gyn with a special interest in contraception management of all types.
Dr. Cody is a pediatrician in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Pediatrics. She works with adolescents and young adults with a special interest in eating disorders, sexuality and reproductive health, menstrual disorders and high-risk behaviors.
We hope you’ll join us as we get Back to Basics in the new year. Thanks for listening to the Women’s Healthcast, from the University of Wisconsin Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Surgical Sterilization
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Since the spring of 2022, ob-gyn clinics around the U.S. have reported an increase in questions about tubal ligation, also known as surgical sterilization or salpingectomy. Dr. Laura Hanks joined the Women’s Healthcast to talk about why those requests are up, and tell us more about surgical sterilization: what happens during the procedure, why people might be interested in permanent birth control, and how she helps patients make sure sterilization is right for them.
Dr. Hanks is an obstetrician-gynecologist in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn.
Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Dr. Laura Hanks joined the Women’s Healthcast to tell us more about how robotic surgery works, what kinds of procedures in the ob-gyn world can and can’t be performed with this method, and how to weigh the risks and benefits when deciding whether robotic-assisted surgery is right for you.
Dr. Hanks is an obstetrician-gynecologist in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn.